The Medford Lakes Lions Club is deeply grateful to you for considering a contribution to support the work we do in our community. In addition to our ongoing programs, we have noted an increase in need in our foodbank mission as well as our medical equipment efforts.


You can use this web page to make a secure gift to our charity programs. You can specify a program you would like your gift to benefit or if you choose "Community Missions," we will put the funds to use where they are needed the most. If you are not comfortable with online giving, please feel free to make a donation via the mail.


Additionally, if you would like your gift to be in honor or in memory of someone, please let us know in the space provided below.


My Donation:
Other Amount ($)
Targeted Charity (Optional):

In Honor/Memory of (Optional):

Please help us track the donations by supplying information about yourself. We do not share this information with any entity outside the ML Lions Club. If you prefer to provide only part of the information requested or remain anonymous, you may omit those fields. However, the PayPal payment may require you to provide similar data to complete the transaction.

First Name
Last Name
Email Again (just to be sure!)
Daytime Phone (In case we have a question)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
State / Zip